Jonah is doing great at the CCM. He is entering his final week and will be flying to Trujillo on Tuesday October 20th. He is excited to enter the Trujillo North Mission, and he is growing a bit tired of the CCM's chicken and rice. He has expressed some worry about missing american candy, Cliff Bars and milk. He has found that there are some great Peruvian hot dogs and if anyone has a good recipe for guinea pig he might appreciate it. Here is his latest letter:
Hello Everybody! All is well in Peru this week, and things just keep getting better every week! It's hard to believe that I will be leaving the CCM in 5 days and going out into the real world. It's kind of scary because my spanish is completely limited to teaching a lesson. I don't know how to actually talk to people yet haha. But all is well and God will provide :)
On Thursday, we had a meeting with the CCM President, Presidente Gonzalez. He's a total G haha. He's the most intimidating 5 foot nothin man I have ever met, but every once in a while, he'll say something super hilarious. We also had the oppurtunity to give a blessing to Elder Herde, and he recovered quickly from his illness which was pretty sweet. It was awesome just having the whole room stand in on a blessing for one of our fellow Elderes :)
On Friday, we sat in class for 7 hours. Again haha. But yeah, just an average day with nothing really going on.
On Saturday, I kinda had a rough day. I almost completely lost my voice and my throat was killing me, but we still had to teach 2 lessons. Plus, the zone leaders have to go around and interview all of the Elders in the whole CCM which takes a lot of talking. But I'm all good in the hood ahora.
On Sunday, I finally memorized the compromiso bautismal, el Primero Visión, y Santiago 1:5. Super essential on a mission. :) We also got to hear from Jeffrey R. Holland in an online, recorded devotional just for missionaries. His talks are so powerful and faith-instilling, and chastizing haha.
On Monday, we taught Yosimar and it was super tough. He had all theses uper tough questions and he mumbled and a thousand miles an hour. But we still did well (enough lol) but the main thing is we try our best to invite the Spirit. As long as we can invite the Spirit, and the investigador can feel it, we don't even have to worry about anything else.
On Tuesday, we had an Area 70 come. His name was Elder Lezano and he gave a great talk about his experience on his mission. He also talked about his Mom's conversion story and how it could only have happened with the persistance of missionaries. He encouraged us to have the same kind of persistance on our own missions.
Today, we went to the temple again and went to Tottus, a grocery store, and got the flippin fantastic hotdogs again. Also, Pringles are saving me right now. So thankful for Pringles everyday :)Ephesians 6:14-19 Whole armor of God and the Spirit is your tool of advancement
I love the simplicity of the gospel. It is truly incredible how we are able to teach in Spanish already. I know God lives, and I know there are miracles because the fact that we are doing this is a miracle. I love and pray for everyone back at home! ¡Viva Perú!
Oh yeah, fav scriptures of the week:
Mosiah 21:16
Mosiah 23:11 --> Alma 26:11-16
Mosiah 24:21-22
Galatians 5:22-23 --> Matthew 7:20
Nefi 15:8
Mosiah 24:15 tenía la paciencia a persevera con sus cargas :)
Psalms 23 Derecho Fuego :)
Elder Babbel and Elder Wynn |
Fountains on the CCM campus |
Cool Peruvian Llama ties! |
Another Fountain - He promised to take more pictures next time :) |
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